Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feeling the Pressure

I'm finally starting to feel the pressure of this whole student teaching thing. Up until now, I've had a good hold on things. However, Monday my students turned in their research papers. That leaves me with 75 papers to grade over the weekend. At a pace of 5-6 an hour, it is taking me quite some time. I am getting quicker at it, though.

Not only do my papers leave me with a busy, fun-filled weekend of grading, they also leave me with a messy house and a hamper overflowing with dirty laundry. The papers aren't completely to blame, however. We also had two long, grueling days of parent teacher conferences. We had our regular school day, followed by 4 hours of conferences. That resulted in getting home just in time to go to bed, and do it again the next day.

Conferences were a good experience. It is interesting, though, that the parents that attend are really the ones you don't need to talk to. I think we saw all the parents of our A students, but hardly any of the parents of our struggling students. The parents had no complaints, only good things to say, so that is a plus.

This weekend will be a busy weekend. On top of the research papers, I also have a wedding shower to attend, a concert to attend, and a baby shower to attend. It should be busy, but fun-filled. I'm looking forward to shopping for the baby shower. I love picking out baby clothes, especially for baby girls!

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