Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Head is Spinning!

Well my second day was much like my first...minus the whole deer part. It was a lot of sitting and observing the classes. Fridays are what my teacher calls "Freedom Fridays" and the kids get to read something of their choice for the entire class period. So in all reality, there really wasn't much to observe. I did get to grade some papers though, and that was a little eye opening to some work that we have to do this semester. I'm excited to get started and see the students' growth.

With it being the weekend, I wanted to spend some time getting ideas for the novels I will be teaching. My head is spinning! There are so many lesson plan ideas out there. It seems impossible to pick and choose what will be best for the classes. I'm a little overwhelmed at the idea of having to put together an entire unit. Until now, we've only had to create and teach single big deal. The thought of an entire unit, however, is quite intimidating. Hopefully my cooperating teacher will work with me, and put my fears at ease.

Right now, I'm working on reading George Orwell's 1984. Although not my favorite book, I am finding some lesson plan ideas to make it a bit more interesting. And it is quite fascinating to read something knowing this is how someone a long time ago thought the world would be like today. The scary thing is, with technology the way it is today, not all of his predictions are terribly far off. The internet making suggestions for you based on things you have searched? Yeah, just a little creepy.

Anyway, I should continue reading. Here is a video to the Muse song "Uprising." It pertains to the novel 1984. You'll understand if you've read the novel. If not, it's still a good song :)


  1. It's great that you're already looking for ideas! You will definitely be glad you got a head start. As far as choosing from the zillions of lessons out there, work on getting to know your students. It's all about their learning, so lessons and activities that will be engaging for them are the winners. Have fun with 1984!
